Articom Center was to have been completed late last year. Why has it been delayed, since the building has not yet been officially opened? - The building was to have been ready at the beginning of this year, and it actually was. Articom Center is ready. The General contractor Hydrobudowa-6 has already finished all work. The project will be officially presented to the market more or less in the first week of March when negotiations with a large potential tenant will have concluded. We hope to rent space to a Polish ministry. Which ministry? - I can't betray the identity of the ministry we are talking to, at the present most feverish stage of negotiations. It will be revealed in two weeks from now (the interview was held on the 19 February. According to an unofficial source it may be The Committee for European Integration - Editor) How did you manage to reach such a rare and specific tenant? Did you cooperate with some real estate agen
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