Improve the image

The appearance of Polish stands at international events often causes embarrassment. The November issue of "Eurobuild Poland" published a report on the Expo Real real estate investments fair. It contained the following fragment: "I always wonder who designs and approves the Polish trade fair stands" - we were told by a participant in Expo Real. "They are, by and large, dreary and the decorations relate more to history and folklore than to real estate. I dream about Poland exhibiting at Expo Real or MIPIM and attracting visitors to visit them through smiling exhibitors and an elegant and well supplied bar. It is not enough just to be there. The character of one's presence also means a lot". Other persons we spoke to expressed similar opinions. We even heard that it would be great were a group created to promote Poland's image at large international events.

From declaration to action

The person who elaborated that idea was Sven von der Heyden, head of the Von der Heyden Group. The first thing he did on returning home was to substantiate that concept. The first outcome was an informal meeting of representatives of the largest real estate companies at one of the January evening at the Klub Polskiej Rady Biznesu. There was consensus that Poland's image presented at trade fairs has little in common with reality. There is a predominating sense of cobwebs and folklore which surely cannot attract investors. In a word, what is required is a cohesive and professional idea of the manner and styles of presentation (but not separate for cities and for individual companies). That would be the job of the association set up by firms, in close cooperation with cities, e.g. through the Union of Polish Cities. Kinga Konińska of Von Der Heyden Group told us: "We shall be meeting a lawyer in the first half of February who is to help us set up such an association". The new, improved Polish stand would have its debut at this year's Expo Real fair in Munich. However, earlier than that in Cannes at the MIPIM, a symposium is to be staged jointly organized by cities and firms. Kinga Konińska admits: "It was no easy task to win over the cities to that idea. The friendly attitude taken by the representatives of the cities of Poznań, Warsaw and Wrocław was a major factor".
