United they stand

Though specific talks on Wrocław Impel's takeover of shares in the Warsaw GP Bis lasted only two months, the negotiations were complex. Impel's Grzegorz Dzik and Grzegorz Pytkowski of GP Bis fought tooth and nail for their companies' interests. The first succeeded in taking over more than 54 percent of the Warsaw company. The latter, apart from being sure he could sell Impel his remaining shares by end-2008, also was ensured the GP Bis mark would be present on the market for at least three years. Playing in a superior league When Impel took over stock in GP Bis it utterly changed its position on the market of FM-related services. From a company rendering so-called simple services, i.e. protecting and cleaning real estate, it transformed into a group also offering supervision of buildings' technique. Till then Impel had, in fact, been a subcontractor of facility managers, now it has become one of them. It will now directly address its offers to real propert
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