BPO needs space

Business Process Offshoring (BPO) "involves a company hiving off and transferring non-core functions to other countries", in the McKinsey & Company report's words, mainly to reduce costs via the lower salary expectations that exist in non-Western countries. Originally an American practice, it happens commonly enough these days in European countries such as the UK, that firms move their call centres, to take one example, to locations such as India, where there are large numbers of fluent English speaking workers, who are paid far less than their British counterparts. McKinsey & Company claim that soon that Poland could be next to benefit, though other services given to offshore processing, such as accounting or bank transaction processing, are more likely to be attracted here. Poland's "similarity to Western Europe," according to the report, "makes it well positioned to become a BPO centre for Europe". If that is the case, then a lot of firms are going to be on the
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