Of native stock

Polish companies are easy enough to spot among the office and retail developers operating in and around Poland, although perhaps less so in the capital. But native modern warehouse developers remain scarce, both in the Warsaw vicinity and the rest of Poland as well. Warehouses with standards "Polish developers haven't caught the momentum of the warehouse market and have just focused on office investments, which in my view is a mistake," says Mirosław Koszany, Head of Krakow's Biuro Inwestycji Kapitałowych. Perhaps because a few years' ago there was an abundance of very cheap space in old facilities, the modern warehouse market looked comparatively unappealing to local developers. In Mirosław Koszany's view, they probably thought that searching for tenants willing to pay rents of USD 4-4.5 per sqm was pointless, when the latter could always choose to pay PLN 5 per sqm. Why then, did BIK adopt a different approach? "When it became clea
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