In-house or outsource?

There are already over one hundred retail centres in Poland and most of them are managed by companies which have links to their developers. Independent managers, however, are emerging and are striving to win a share of this lucrative market Most Polish shopping centres were built by foreign developers, and because they want to maintain control over them once they open, they often set up management companies to run the enterprises. So, for example, Cefic is in charge of the centres owned by parent company the ERE group, Metro Real Estate Management runs the M1 centres developed by Metro AG and Immochan manages Auchan hypermarkets. Developers insist that managing their own properties has many advantages, including that: they are able to coordinate a centre's marketing strategy, they can standardize reporting procedures and they can keep their fingers on the pulse of the operation. Many of these companies indeed, often remain in charge of the centres even after they've
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