The legislative savoir vivre

Later this month, several new changes will be made1 to the Polish Civil Code, affecting among other things, the methods of concluding agreements, the concept of the enterprise and the entrepreneur, and the commercial powers of attorney (proxy) Up until now, an agreement could only be executed once an offer was accepted by an offeree. Article 69 of the Civil Code provides for a unique form of acceptance. Namely, that in exceptional circumstances one may accept an offer simply by proceeding with the performance of the agreement to which it refers.How will a similar situation be regarded after September 25th, under new Article 68 of the Civil Code? If an entrepreneur receives an offer from a person with whom he/she has a permanent business relationship, which proposes entering into an agreement that falls within the scope of that relationship, the lack of a prompt reply to an offer will be tantamount to acceptance. If a contractor receives an offer concerning, for example, refurbishment
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