
Gleeds at the site of Sosnowiec Outlet Centre Gleeds Polska is to provide Lender's Representatives services at the 23,000 sqm Sosnowiec Outlet Centre. The Outlet Company is the developer of the factory outlet centre to be built on ul. Orlat Lwowskich, in Sosnowiec in the Silesia region, and CB Richard Ellis are leasing agents.   Contract for Budokor Catalina Investment, (owned by the Catalina Group and two Israeli companies: Electra Real Estate and Dirom), has chosen the Budokor branch of Hochtief Polska as general constructor for the Catalina II apartment block in Warsaw. The project is due for completion in August 2004 and there will be 113 apartments in the 6,700 sqm building. Mitex's Katowice contract The Katowice Social Housing Association (Katowickie Towarzystwo Budownictwa Spolecznego) has commissioned Mitex to build a housing and retail complex on ul. Krasinskiego-Skowronskiego in Katowice.The first stage of the investment is to be completed on Septembe
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