Relinquishing a title to property as a way out of trouble?

From September 24th, it will only take a unilateral owner's statement to relinquish a title to property. As a result, the title to property will be transferred to the relevant local authority (gmina), whose consent will not be required to effect the transfer At the moment, an owner wishing to relinquish a title to property must obtain the consent of the head of the local community (starosta). Relinquished property then becomes the property of the State Treasury. This, however, never occurs in practice, as no one relinquishes titles to valuable property, whereas no starosta would allow one to relinquish a title to property which contained any problems. Disposable property This situation will change on 24 September 2003. Firstly, titles to property will not be transferred to the State Treasury, but to the gmina on whose territory the property is located. Secondly, to relinquish a title to property, an owner will no longer need the consent of any local authority. This change
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