Getting up to speed

King Sturge's Connectivity report forms part of wider research into the design of the office building of the future. One of its conclusions is that landlords' willingness to invest in the modern technology, which increases the efficiency of their tenants' internet access, will be crucial to their success in the coming years Though in Poland the advent of 'the new office' and other flexible working practices is deemed to be some way off, the era the country is about to enter as part of Europe, increases the relevance of reports such as this. Its findings however are based on the UK commercial real estate market, clearly at a more advanced stage of development than Poland's. Chris Grzesik King Sturge's Managing Director in Poland, suggests that some of the problems highlighted in the report might not become as acute in Warsaw and beyond. Satisfaction "The office stock in the city of London is ten times that of Warsaw, so there you do have problems, in that not all tena
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