Shopping in all weathers

Is summer a good period for retail centres? The truth is that they can't expect overly impressive turnovers at this time of year but they're not quite as bad as one might think. Shopping centre managers seem to agree on this, though holidays and good weather aren't their favourite times of year In retail, profits are a fair-weather friend. Come summer and it's drinks' manufacturers and travel agents who rub their hands with glee. But what do shopping centre directors feel about the summer holidays? And by what special powers do they attract customers, when most people want to just lap up the sunshine? Summertime, and the living is easy... Despite what some might think, retail centre managers lose comparatively little sleep over footfall during the holiday months in their shopping centres, because that particular remedy was found some time ago. "A lot of people assume that the worst times for retail are July and August when it's hot or January immediately after Christ
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