Pre-summer fever

Because summer idleness will soon enter the retail market, May and June offer the last opportunity to finalize tenancy agreements and settle construction or sale procedures. Agents, developers and construction workers will all go on well-deserved holidays, once they've signed the necessary documents If one goes by what's written in the press, including interviews with agents and developers, you'll soon discover that retailers do actually have some faith in the future of the Polish market. Both larger and smaller chains are convinced that the leaner times are drawing to an end and Polish people are about to start shopping again. Hennes & Mauritz exemplify this attitude. After opening a branch in Warsaw's Wola Park, they are planning to open more shops, on ul. Marszałkowska and Al. Jerozolimskie (the Reduta retail centre) in Warsaw, and in Centrum Biznesu Handlu i Sztuki Stary Browar in Poznań. Eurobuild took a look at what's happening on the construction sites of the
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