Lease agreements regulated

The Constitutional Tribunal's judgement of April 23rd 2003 is of the utmost importance to all who lease real property, irrespective of whether they are involved in economic activity or not. It confirms the principle of stability and security that underpins Polish law The importance of lease and tenancy agreements for our economy is exemplified by the continuing discussions about the possibilities of terminating such agreements, if they have been concluded for a definite period of time. Doctrine and practice The standpoints contained in the doctrine and presented in court decisions can be divided into three basic groups: 1. a restrictive standpoint does not permit the termination of lease agreements concluded for a definite period of time, irrespective of whether the parties to the agreement have provided for such a possibility; 2. a liberal standpoint propagates the principle of total liberty in shaping the content of the agreement. According to such a standpoint, there
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