
Skanska Group reports on first quarter The Skanska Group has issued its results for the first quarter of this year, which show increases in each area of activity, compared to the same period in 2002. Order bookings are reported to have risen by ten per cent and operating income to EUR 79.1 mln, from EUR 25.7 mln in the first quarter of last year. Capital gains on the sale of properties amounted to EUR 53.6 mln between January and March 2003. Finance for terminal Two banks: Austria Creditanstalt and BPH PBK have granted a USD 245 mln loan to Przedśiębiorstwo Panstwowe Porty Lotnicze (PPL) for the development of Terminal 2 at Warsaw Okecie airport. The total cost of the project is USD 300 mln. Despite this finance, whether the work on the extension of Okęcie airport will go ahead or not is still uncertain. Neither local residents nor Warsaw city authorities are keen on the investment. Hypovereinsbank issu
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