Sosnowiec Outlet Centre
The Outlet Company founded by a Belgian developer, Liebrecht & wooD, and
British developer, Tom Dootson have laid the cornerstone for their new building,
Sosnowiec Outlet Centre. It will stand at the junction of two main roads, Kraków
- Katowice and Czestochowa - Bielsko-Biała. The total space of Sosnowiec Outlet
Centre will amount to 23,000 sqm, of which 9,000 sqm will be constructed during
the first and the remaining 14,000 sqm during the second stage. The latter is
expected to start one and a half years after the launch, and the total cost of
the complex is estimated to reach EUR 30mln.
CB Richard Ellis, who are in charge of leasing the building, have so far managed
to sign a pre-lease for around 50 per cent of the total space.
REMA 1000 changes hands
The supermarket chain REMA 1000 in Poland is about to change hands, according to
a market source. The Norwegian company is to leave both the Polis