Plus Tower

Polkomtel in Warsaw Trade Tower? We learned from a reliable source that negotiations for the lease of 25,000 sqm are at an advanced stage If the contract is signed, Warsaw Trade Tower will be fully leased and the revenue from the rent will fill the pockets of the new owner, Apollo-Rida Poland. The contract will then stand a chance of being the transaction of the year. In the January issue of Eurobuild Poland, we published an article about the purchase of WTT by Apollo-Rida. When asked about leasing its vast expanses of space, its representative, Rafal Nowicki, gave a concise answer: "We're optimistic". Did he have in mind the ongoing negotiations with Polkomtel, the Plus GSM network operator? No comment According to the information which has been going around the real estate market for some time now, Plus GSM has also expressed an interest in other Warsaw buildings, including the Metropolitan, constructed by Hines. Mieczysław Godzisz, Hines Director for Poland
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