Warbud to construct seven-storey apartment block in Warsaw
A contract to build a seven-storey apartment building in Warsaw, (which will
contain a garage and trade services unit), worth PLN 25 mln, (EUR 6.32), has
been signed between constructor Warbud and residential property developer Dom
Development. Construction of the block, on ul KEN in the Ursynow district, will
begin on 25th November and is due to be complete by December 20th 2003.
Decrease in cement sales for October 2002
A total of 1.042 million tonnes in cement sales represented an 11.8% year on
year decrease for October 2002, according to Stowarzyszenie Producentow Cementu
i Wapna, the Polish association of cement producers. In the same month, 34,500
tonnes were exported from Poland.
During the first ten months of this year, cement sales totalled 9.789 million
tonnes, a 4.2% year-on-year decrease and 404,100 tonnes were exported, a 42.3%