We present a review of the most important changes in legal regulations as
well as an overview of other events in 2002 which have influenced the various
stages of real estate developments.
Pre-Development Phase
The Elimination of Restrictions in Real Estate Acquisitions
Poland's closing of negotiation chapters with the European Union on the issue of
the free movement of capital (including the acquisition of real estate by
foreigners) can be considered an event of fundamental importance for the phase
which directly precedes the investment process. As a consequence, all
restrictions on the acquisition of real estate by foreigners for investment
purposes will be eliminated immediately after Poland's accession to the EU
(transitional periods of between 5 to 12 years will apply exclusively to plots
for recreational, agricultural and forestry purposes).
Prior to Poland's Accession to the European Union
According to the latest forecasts, Poland is to accede to the EU on May 1, 20