Logistically speaking

The latest report issued by agents King Sturge on the Warsaw warehouse market states that logistics companies and international consortia occupy two thirds of warehouse space in Poland. According to specialist warehousing magazine Eurologistics, the main tenants of modern warehouses in Poland are logistics companies. Do warehouses occupied by logistics companies differ from other warehouses? Logistics space FM Logistic has been operating in Poland since 1994. A year after it started the company built a warehouse in Mszczonów, c. 45 km from Warsaw on the Katowice route. With 60,000 sqm this was the biggest high storage warehouse in Poland. The warehouse halls can be adapted to suit tenants requirements who include Procter & Gamble, Mars, Kodak, Auchan and Carrefour. An interesting point about this project is that a specialised arm of FM Logistic developed it. "We knew the requirements which had to be met. The cost of a warehouse used by a logistics company does n
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