Retailers gunning for Gdansk Young City

4 retail heavyweights, ECE Projektmanagement, TK Development, Segece and another un-named company, are all involved in the pre-development phase of the 'Gdansk Young City' project's c. 10-hectare retail section. The involvement of any of these companies would provide a shot in the arm for this ambitious mixed-use urban regeneration project in the Gdansk Shipyard. The sheer scale and ambition of Synergia 99's 'Gdańsk Young City' urban renewal scheme, plus the fact that it isn't in Warsaw, has given strength to those who believe it won't get past the drawing board. But behind the scenes progress is ongoing, says Janusz Lipinski, President of Synergia 99, the project's co-ordinator. ,We are already in detailed discussions with four big names in retail" he confirmed, although he refused to reveal who these companies were. Eurobuild, however, has learnt that Denmark-based TK Development and Germany-based ECE Projektmanagement are certainly involved, and a consortium l
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