WRF sums up year 2001
During the 4th Qtr of 2001, 53,400 sqm of office
space was leased (28,300 sqm in the city centre and 25,100 sqm in non-central
locations), according to The Warsaw Research Forum. Take up in 2001 was 181,000
sqm (city centre - 80,900 sqm, non-central 100,100 sqm).
From October to December 2001 there were no new completions in the city centre
whereas in non-central locations 96,100 sqm of new office space was delivered.
Over the whole year 216,000 sqm of new office space came onto the market
(43,500 sqm in the city centre and 172,900 sqm non-central).
The vacancy rate for the 4th Qtr was 14.7% in the city centre and 17.1% non-central,
giving an average of 15.9% for the city. Compared to 2000, the year 2001
in Warsaw saw:
- Take-up drop 20%
- New supply down 41%
- 80% less completions
- An increase of 15.9% in Warsaw office stock
- A year-on-year increase of non-central supply of 27.8% compared to 5.9%