Playing the waiting game

After an improved 2011, volumes have recently shrunk back again amid worries over a double-dip recession and stricter banking regulations. To discuss these and other connected issues we have invited a number of eminent experts and players on the real estate investment market for our annual 'Eurobuild CEE' Roundtable debate
The knights of the roundtable:Martin Erbe is the head of international ?real estate finance for ?Northern and Central Europe?of HelabaLandesbank Hessen-Thüringen. The Frankfurt-based bank has assets worth EUR 170.1 bln and employs around 6,000 people. Helaba subsidiaries include GWH, Helaba Invest Kapitalanlagegesellschaft, Frankfurter Bankgesellschaft and the OFB Group, which is active in real estate project development. Stefan Aumann a founding partner of Peakside?Capital and responsible for the company's asset management. In August the UK-registered real estate investment management firm finalised the acquisition of Allied Irish Banks' subsidiary AIB PPM, renaming it Peakside Polonia ?Management (PPM), for its Peakside Real Estate Fund I, focused on active asset management opportunities across Europe. Otis Spencer is co-head of KSP Real Estate Investment Management, an institutional real estate investment management platform with offices in Warsaw, Poland and Luxembourg. O
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