Source of the Amazon moves to the CEE region

Warehouse & industrial
POLAND/CZECH REPUBLIC To be world’s most focused retailer when it comes to consumers’ expectations, providing everyone with whatever they would like to buy on the internet – this is the mission of the US e-commerce market giant Amazon, whose sales revenue last year exceeded USD 60 bln. The company, which originates from Seattle, is making greater space for itself on the Old Continent by extending its network of distribution centres in Poland and the Czech Republic.
6,000 plus 9,000September was not the best month for Amazon’s German executives. The workforce of its distribution centres in the country went on strike in pursuit of higher salaries. In the same period the news broke about the new halls in our part of Europe. In the wake of this there was some confusion in the media, which was hardly cleared up by a few rather laconic statements about the plans from both representatives of the US firm and the developers responsible for the facilities it plans to open in Central and Eastern Europe. On October 7th the Ministry of Economy, the Polish Information and Foreign Investment Agency (PAIiIZ) and a representative of Amazon officially confirmed that the US e-commerce giant will open three huge logistics centres in Poland.One complex is to be built near Poznań (in Sady in the Tarnowo Podgórne administrative district), while the other one will be located near Wrocław (in Bielany Wrocławskie in the Kobierzyce administrative district). The o
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