A happy customer is not only more willing to spend money in a mall, but will also return to it sooner and more frequently, while recommending it to their friends. All of this is of crucial importance in the era of Facebook and social media. “A shopping centre manager is responsible not only for attracting customers into the facility but also for keeping them there longer. This increases the chance of a completely spontaneous purchase as a result of being impressed by a shop window or an advertisement displayed on an LED screen, for example,” remarks Elio Szmawonian,a board member of Mayland Real Estate responsible for the property management department. Advertising makes trade go round – and this statement is no exaggeration. The equation is simple. In order for tenants’ turnovers to grow, people have to come to a centre and leave their money with the cashiers. On-line retail is still not having a significant enough impact to disrupt this. However, while its imp