Made to measure

Walls never are perfectly smooth; floors are also never true; while any two walls that meet are never at exact right angles. And yet, this tends not to be the main bone of contention between developers and tenants
The International Property Measurement Standards Coalition (IPMSC) has chosen 19 property experts from across the world to make up the Standards Setting Committee to lay down global standards for property measurement methodology. “The Committee has been entrusted with the onerous task of collating the methods that have been used globally in the last few decades, and using them to establish norms based on the best building measurement practices available. Currently a plethora of standards are being used on the market – and these are often to a large extent inconsistent. We will know we have succeeded when the new standards are adopted by the global property sector,” explains Allen Crawford, the vice-president of the Standards Setting Committee. However, is there actually any need to introduce another method of square metre calculation to the Polish commercial property market?How to do the calculations?The Building Owners and Managers Association (BOMA) published the fi
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