A sincere thank you

He does not avoid problems. He likes to talk and he is an able facility manager. This is Grzegorz Czekaj, the long-term director of Galeria Echo in Kielce representing the Echo Property Management company. At the Eurobuild Awards 2013 he was voted the shopping centre manager of the year in Poland
What should a good facility manager of a shopping centre be like?In these difficult times a good manager should be open. Avoiding conversations with tenants or ignoring their problems is the beginning of the end. Able managers should be flexible and understanding. They should be able to empathise with tenants, because the shopping centre is our mutual business. In the current market conditions, it is not worth blindly following the centre’s regulations. It is sometimes worth moving away from a strict adherence to the rules in the name of common sense. But continuous contact with the tenants is what it’s all about. Particularly when you have to communicate an important or difficult decision. You need to talk openly and take responsibility for the facility. A direct conversation, even if it does not result in any actual solutions, can be very significant and improve mutual relations. What are the most important problems facing a shopping centre director?Due to the current ma
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