Plots like hot cakes

Investment & finance
The end of 2013 saw a strong revival on the land investment market in Poland. Residential developers are in the vanguard of the buyers, but increased turnover is also evident on the commercial market. To discuss the current situation in this segment and forecasts for the next few months, we spoke to Daniel Puchalski, the head of land advisory services for Poland at JLL
Tomasz Szpyt, ‘Eurobuild CEE’: Which group of developers is mostly buying plots for new projects in Poland? Daniel Puchalski, the head of land advisory services for Poland, JLL: Residential plots in Warsaw, Kraków, the TriCity and Wrocław invariably enjoy a lot of interest. There is slightly less demand for such properties in Poznań. In addition, individual investors are expressing an interest in residential projects in cities such as Łódź, Katowice and Szczecin. However, they are mostly local businesses, with a few exceptions in the form of foreign investors who already hold investment land in these cities and are looking for partners to carry out joint enterprises. Are land prices growing as a result of the increased interest?In the first few months of this year we observed a slight growth in the prices of residential plots compared to the levels last year. It is also worth noting that investors are currently characterised by a more flexible approach to the issue
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