The end of the construction crisis?

POLAND The recent financial data published by construction companies, and most of all by those listed on the Warsaw Stock Exchange, show that we can start thinking about the beginning of the end of the crisis. However, there are also other figures that might put a damper on this optimism. Orders from state institutions can have a positive influence on the order portfolios of builders. The budgeted expenditure on infrastructure is to amount to app. PLN 500 bln by 2020, according to Deloitte’s estimates. These funds should help the construction industry to exit the crisis, argues the consultancy. The growth in public-private partnership projects is another lifeline for the sector. The growing number of tender procedures organised by the General Directorate of National Roads and Motorways (GDDKiA) will also have a positive influence.
Only for the chosen ones Public procurement is a godsend in these difficult times for construction companies – but perhaps only for the larger ones. But after all the perturbation caused by such contracts over the last few years as well as a few related bankruptcy cases, construction companies might now be more cautious in biting off more than they can chew in terms of large infrastructural projects. The health of construction companies, particularly the largest ones listed on the WSE, is some indication that the strength of the sector has been improving of late. According to the data of the Polish Central Statistical Office (GUS), construction and assembly output in the January–July 2014 period increased by over 7 pct y-o-y compared to a reduction of 17.7 pct a year earlier. The sales of construction companies listed on the WSE also grew in H1 (by 6 pct) compared to the same period last year. This is encouraging, however, as
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