Builders buck the trend

Stock market report
After a very good September, October brought a clear shift in mood on the global stock exchanges. Week after week the WSE indexes kept plunging, but despite this the WIG-Construction index showed exceptional resilience.
The spectre of economic slowdown is stalking the global markets once again, and in the case of the eurozone, even a recession is feared. The recent forecasts of the International Monetary fund, which have been reviewed downwards, are pointing to the realistic possibility of such a scenario. The deteriorating forecasts for the German economy are particularly worrying for investors. Added to this, the stock exchanges have already absorbed the ending of quantitative easing in October by the American FED. This has been the driver of the economic situation on the global markets for the last few quarters, resulting in all-time highs, such as those registered on the US S&P500 index. A similar QE approach is now set to be implemented by the European Central Bank, but the clear resistance to this measure by some of the decision makers on the Old Continent is pushing the indexes down. The promising data for the US economy and the end of US “money
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