Not writing his memoirs just yet

Eurobuild Awards
He likes to style himself as a coach, in the belief that there are many parallels between business and sport. And he insists that business achievements should not all be about making money. Sándor Demján, the founder of the TriGranit Holding development company, which operates across the CEE region, shares his life story with us
‘Eurobuild CEE’: You are one of the richest people in Hungary. How did growing up in a poor family influence your life? Sándor Demján, the founder of the TriGranit Holding development company: Yes, I had a difficult childhood. When I was young I was angry with God – I didn’t go to church because I didn’t understand why God had punished me, even though I was such a good boy. But you can eventually take a philosophical approach to this and say that this is how God helped me. So I learnt to fight my way up and how to be grateful to those I received help from and how to express this gratitude. For everything – whether it was just a slice of bread or teachers spending their time with me on Sundays because I had to work during the week to support myself. In order to catch up with my education I had to go to school on Sundays. As a six or seven-year old boy I carried buckets of water
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