Four times lucky...?

The Polish real estate investment market has performed strongly for the second year in a row. In 2014 properties with a total value of app. EUR 3 bln changed hands. This year looks to be an equally promising one, even though purchasing opportunities will now have to be sought out in the regions
The three billion euro spent on Polish properties is a decent result, even though some expected 2014 to close with half a billion more. Nevertheless, it confirms the stability of the Polish market, where similar investor activity has taken place for the last three years. This has allowed Poland to shine in the CEE ranking. According to data compiled by CBRE, the second country in the ranking is the Czech Republic, with a turnover of just under EUR 2 bln. However, it is worth noting that in this case, compared to the levelling out of the Polish market, over the Carpathians around 50 pct more was spent than in 2013. In Hungary, the turnover on the investment property market increased by almost 70 pct to EUR 460 mln. However, it was Romania that turned out to be the true black horse of the region in 2014, as investors bought properties with a total value of over EUR 1.1 bln. This is over 220 pct more than in 2013. The highest decline was registe
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