New technology

Interior Design
Touch-screen mirrors for personalised shopping
US luxury department store chain Nordstrom and US fashion designer and retailer Rebecca Minkoff have decided to install internet-connected and RFID-supported mirrors developed by EBay in their stores. Company representatives have told ‘Eurobuild CEE’ that Nordstrom, which currently operates app. 250 stores across the country, will use the smart mirrors in two locations, while Rebecca Minkoff will install the devices in its newly-opened New York flagship store. The devices will come in two formats: the Connected Glass shopping wall, a large mirror that allows customers to browse the product catalogue, match products, view product recommendations and ask a virtual shopping assistant, and smaller mirrors designed for the fitting rooms. The latter will be able to automatically recognise items in the fitting room by their RFID tags and also identify online registered shoppers (if they enter their phone numbers). They will inform customers about product av
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