Posting a profit

Investment & finance
Polska Poczta, the Polish Postal services provider, owns 400 redundant properties. This is accroding to a new specialist unit of the company’s real estate division, set up for the sole purpose of selling off loss-making properties. ‚Eurobuild cee’ talks to its creator, Radosław Wawrzyniak, the deputy managing director of poczta polska’s investment division, on the new unit’s strategy and the assets that are up for grabs
Anna Pakulniewicz, ‘Eurobuild Central & Eastern Europe’: Poczta Polska, which has a history going back several hundred years, has many redundant but excellently located properties. What are they exactly? Radosław Wawrzyniak, the deputy managing director of the infrastructure division responsible for real estate turnover, Poczta Polska: This is all true. As an enterprise of strategic significance we have not only more than 456 years of history but also own a lot of real estate. This is mostly buildings in good locations with plots in city and town centres. To be precise, the Polish Post currently has over 2,200 own properties while it leases out more than 3,000 commercial units. As far as land is concerned, the company holds over 5.2 mln sqm. The useable area of the properties held by the Post exceeds 1.7 mln sqm, while the leased units have a combined area of 350,000 sqm. At the same time we have put up for sale over 200 properties. There could be more as a result of
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