The latest reports for the warehouse and production market reveal extent of the development of the market and that when it comes to investment activity the segment has now even surpassed retail. Developers, investors and consultancies are saying that things are good and they are going to get even better. Poles are becoming more affluent and they will want to buy things – this was their message. E-commerce has been developing rapidly at the same time. Such changes are not only a result of advances in technology, but also of evolution in the fields of consumption and production. New regions are emerging on the market that have development potential due to their locations – such as eastern Poland. “What is important when choosing the location is the density of the development and the access to a labour force,” said Mirosław Koszany, the president of the board of Biuro Inwestycji Kapitałowych (BIK). “One of the first questions asked by our clients concerns t