The power in simplicity

“Come, scatter flowers – let us sow fair April here!” I can still hear Butterfly singing this as she waits for Mr Pinkerton, who is returning to his wife after three years and as she decorates the entire house with flowers for the occasion.
It is a simple story, and like many others almost banal, but its power probably lies in its simplicity. The motives behind human actions have not changed for centuries or even thousands of years. Which was why after going to see this performance of Madame Butterfly we talked not only about the stage design and Treliński’s direction, but also about similar contemporary stories and... the acquisition of Echo Investment by a subsidiary of Griffin Topco III (which is controlled by Oaktree) and a fund managed by Pimco. After all, our opera club is strongly rooted in the real estate market and it is difficult not to talk about such down-to-earth topics as work and pay. The transaction, a historic deal for its size alone (PLN 1.2 bln according to market estimates, as we reveal in this month’s ‘Hungry like theGriffin’ article), also marks the closing of a certain symbolic chapter. One of the largest developers in our part ofEuropeis changing owners. The company was sta
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