200 shades of great

Does anyone remember the day we started?

It was 1997, there was the flood of the millennium in Poland, the national football team’s qualification match with Italy for the World Cup had ended in a 0:0 draw, and the FSO car factory in Warsaw had started manufacturing the Polonez Atu. No one had heard of Eurobuild at that time, but soon this was going to change. One of Poland’s first golfing addicts was at that formulating a plan. This was made flesh at the beginning of 1998 when he went to Cannes with the first glossy issue of the magazine, still smelling of fresh print; and this was the magazine that changed the face of the Polish property press.

This would never have happened if people had not stayed up late at night and worked all weekend, first on ul. Canaletta, then on ul. Kijowska and finally on Al. Jerozolimskie, to give the sector the chance to take a look at itself through our eyes. But Eurobuild is not only made up of the journalists who work on the magazine, actively monitoring the market. The magazine could never have come into being without the huge support of the sales department (which takes no prisoners) as well as the conference department, which has given vital support to the Polish hotel market and unforgettable experiences to the participants of our events; the people responsible for Eurobuild Awards, who know what to give and to who; our dear accountants – thanks to whom everything is correct in the bank; our photographers, who can shoot literally anything; our translators, who can translate anything in the blink of an eye; and to Arek – our man for special tasks.

Not wanting to sound bombastic, we hope, we promise to try even harder, to inquire, to ask more questions, to write even more cogently and to be with you for another 200 issues and beyond. We are already thinking about what Eurobuild will look like in 200 years, and that means we intend to outlive The Bold and the Beautiful. But enough for now...
