I know that the samba, the cha-cha, the rumba, the jive and the pasodoble should definitely be listed as movables, but the idea was to contrast this with the hotel sector and even retirement homes, which we write about in this issue. My plan was also not to write about politics, in spite of the fact that Facebook et al were dominated by the Polish presidential elections, with the face of president-elect Andrzej Duda seeming to jump out at me from every corner. I tend to avoid politics, but I nonetheless fulfilled my civic duty according to the principle: if you don’t vote, you don’t have the right to complain – or to put it another way, to criticise. After all, this is our national trait: we like complaining. We have chosen a new president, so change is underway – and it’s a significant change too. And what changes should the Polish branch of CBRE expect? I do not mean due to any decision by the new P