Constructors take the lead

Stock market report
Investors can be satisfied with the spring increases on the WSE. In April the WIG20 index was one of the strongest in the world, even despite the corrections across European markets. The construction companies’ sub-index was also stronger than the broader market once again
The promising signals from the economies of developed countries and the ‘cheap money’ made available by the largest central banks have laid good foundations for boosting the global stock exchanges. The prospects remain optimistic despite the corrections on the largest European trading floors in April. The potential for an escalation of the conflict in Ukraine has become more distant, oil prices are up and companies’ Q1 results have confirmed what the macro-economic data has been saying. In this situation the issue of Greece or rather the Grexit – Greece’s potential exit from the eurozone – has reappeared on the list of risks. Some analysts believe that the correction on developed markets in April was down to investors’ calculations – anticipating declines following Greece’s exit from the eurozone, they were expecting shares to be traded at much lower prices. Many opinions have been voiced on this is
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