More Natura in shopping centres

Retail & leisure
POLAND The Drogerie Natura chain of drugstores is planning significant expansion. The company is opening new outlets and extending the range of goods it sells while also modernising the brand of the chain. Online sales were introduced at the end of July this year.
Development strategy “Since CEPD, part of Grupa Pelion, purchased Polbita, the owner of Drogerie Natura, nearly a year ago, the chain’s development plans have intensified and the Natura brand has strengthened to become the number two drugstore chain in Poland,” reveals Marek Kaczmarek, the operations director of Drogerie Natura. “New stores are being opened in shopping centres and malls all over the country as well as in other premises. The company is in negotiations for the lease of areas for its own-stores and is preparing a marketing support package for investors interested in cooperation agreements on an agency or franchise basis,” he adds. This year outlets have been opened in the Galeria Hosso shopping centres in Szczecinek and Kołobrzeg, Galeria Tesco in Gliwice, the Sukcesja shopping centre in Łódź and Domy Mody Modo in Warsaw. The chain is also developing in the field of online trading. Its online
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