B&W balancing act

For developers, nothing is ever only black or white. With this in mind, we eagerly threw ourselves into organising Kulczyk Silverstein Properties’ ‘Black and White’ party, which marked the start of the construction work on its exceptional Warsaw office and retail project, Ethos
The event, held in the exquisite Ufficio Primo office building in central Warsaw, proved that it is not only grey that comes in many varieties. Zebra stripes, dogtooth, spots and other black and white prints played a key role at the event, which was hosted by the ever-charming TV presenter Anna Popek. But the black and white themed party was not only about the monochromatic dress code. Greeted with drinks named after the most well-known black and white motifs, our guests – the city’s best leasing agents – were invited to dine to the accompaniment of a piano duo and to watch a presentation of the elegant Ethos complex, which is currently being redeveloped at pl. Trzech Krzyży 10/14 in Warsaw. Then the stage was taken by famous Polish cartoonist and satirist Henryk Sawka, who revealed some of his professional secrets and showed off his best artwork. Mr Sawka also awarded prizes to the top ten winners of the sketch drawing competition held after
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