Edition 12 (206) December 2015


Living the dream

No-one’s going to give you as much as I’m promising you...

Ewa Andrzejewska
Office & mixed-use development

Storming the offices

POLAND “Over 1 mln sqm of office space was leased in Q3 this year. This is over 340,000 sqm more than in the same period last year and 280,000 sqm more than in 2013,” reveals JLL in its latest report on the office space lease transactions executed in Poland over the first nine months of this year. Analysts point out that consolidations were carried out this year and large leases were signed while new companies entered the market and existing ones extended the size of their premises. New records have been set: 22,000 sqm leased by Samsung, which is to house its research and development operations in the Warsaw Spire building, and the 26,000 sqm leased by Shell for its operations centre in the DOT Office complex in Kraków.

Retail & leisure

Every little helps

EUROPE Tesco is “considering the sale of its CEE businesses,” according to media reports from a few weeks ago. The market rumours came soon after the struggling British retailer announced that it was set to sell its biggest international business, South Korea’s Homeplus, to private equity company MBK Partners for over GBP 4 bln.

Agata Kłapeć
Retail & leisure

Impetum viperae

POLAND Vipera, one of the first manufacturers of coloured cosmetics in the country, is implementing a new strategy for the company’s development, involving new locations, store concepts and markets. The Piaseczno-based cosmetics manufacturer is planning to expand and build on its position in Poland, but is first of all continuing its development abroad.

Anna Pakulniewicz
Warehouse & industrial

Warehouse co-dependence

POLAND According to the ‘E-commerce Logistics in Poland’ report, which has just been published by JLL and Prologis, e-commerce is to generate 700,000 sqm in terms of demand for warehouse space over the next five years. However, the authors of the report claim that internet sales will not have a negative impact on shopping centres. The two markets are to develop in parallel rather than in competition with each other.

Anna Pakulniewicz
Stock market report

Constructors unruffled by the bears

With the WIG20 falling, the Warsaw indexes were clearly not among the beneficiaries of the rather promising economic climate reflected on the global markets in October, as the more bearish moods on exchanges in Europe, Asia and North America in the first half of November pushed the WIG20 below 2,000 – its lowest level since 2009

Christmas Feature

Getting our Claus out

This year we’ve made Christmas and Santa Claus come a little earlier. Who would not want to have his magical powers? That’s why at the end of November we gave a few of the biggest names in the sector the chance to be in his snow boots once, even if only in a break between meetings

Ewa Andrzejewska

Thin off the ground

If you had to choose the most impressive trend in modern architecture, it would probably be the pencil skyscraper – tower blocks astonishingly slender in shape

Rafał Ostrowski
Investment & finance

Sisterly advice

The groups behind some of the largest real estate advisory companies are also successfully setting up investment management businesses. Their margins are not to be sneezed at and the know-how they can turn to can be invaluable

Tomasz Szpyt
Investment & finance

A change for the worse?

Law and Justice rammed home its ‘A change for the better’ slogan during the recent parliamentary election campaign in Poland, and change – at least – is what the country got. What does this mean for the Polish real estate market? We asked a few of the sector’s players about what they expect to happen

Aneta Cichla
Warehouse & industrial

Seeing green

The bolder approach of developers, the environmentally friendly expectations of large corporations and the changing regulations – will these be enough to trigger an avalanche of green certification on the warehouse development market?

Rafał Ostrowski

A view to the future

What can a group of Polish architects unknown to the  wider public ever achieve? Well, they can win the first prize in the prestigious ‘eVolo Skyscraper Competition’ to design a skyscraper city, for example. Jakub Pudo of the  BOMP architectural collective tells us about their unexpected success, the courage involved in planning and the future of skyscrapers

Agata Kłapeć

B&W balancing act

For developers, nothing is ever only black or white. With this in mind, we eagerly threw ourselves into organising Kulczyk Silverstein Properties’ ‘Black and White’ party, which marked the start of the construction work on its exceptional Warsaw office and retail project, Ethos


Let’s come to some sort of an arrangement...

How to go bankrupt after January 1st? We tried to answer this question on November 18th during a business breakfast at the Polonia Palace hotel in Warsaw. Our contents partner was law firm Galt, which is involved in the legal as well as the financial and accounting side of restructuring and bankruptcy


About the C-word

Words have this wonderful aspect to them that the more often you use them, the more worn-out and stale they become. This is very much the case with the C-word... After entering it in the search box the engine will provide you with about 420 mln hits. However, it seems to me that it is currently used very rarely in the real estate sector. Pretty much the same as in this endpiece: it will only be used in this text once, at the end, so do not cheat by jumping to it, please ;)

Tomasz Szpyt


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