Storming the offices

Office & mixed-use development
POLAND “Over 1 mln sqm of office space was leased in Q3 this year. This is over 340,000 sqm more than in the same period last year and 280,000 sqm more than in 2013,” reveals JLL in its latest report on the office space lease transactions executed in Poland over the first nine months of this year. Analysts point out that consolidations were carried out this year and large leases were signed while new companies entered the market and existing ones extended the size of their premises. New records have been set: 22,000 sqm leased by Samsung, which is to house its research and development operations in the Warsaw Spire building, and the 26,000 sqm leased by Shell for its operations centre in the DOT Office complex in Kraków.
Q3 in Warsaw Meanwhile, the Polish Office Research Forum (PORF) has also published data on the Warsaw office market for Q3 2015 that shows dramatic growth in leasing taking place. According to the PORF’s figures, at the end of Q3 2015 the supply of modern office space in the capital of Poland amounted to 4,627,600 sqm. In the first nine months the office supply in the capital city increased by 238,300 sqm, 91,400 sqm of which was marketed in Q3. The majority of the new supply was delivered outside the city centre, where projects such as Postępu 14 (34,300 sqm, in the Upper Northern zone), Royal Wilanów (29,800 sqm, in the South Eastern zone) and the Domaniewska Office Hub (27,000 sqm, in the Upper Southern zone) were completed. Two projects were finished in the city centre: Spektrum (27,600 sqm – which was reopened following renovations) and Carpathia Office House (4,700 sqm). At the end of September 2015 the vacancy rate ha
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