Bidding the last year goodbye

It’s evening and the room is lit by discreet lamps. When I lean forward to check what flavour I am about to taste, the light reflects off my wine glass.
Atmospheric music is playing. A waiter serves our starters and – if you are still reading this – you have probably concluded that I’ve got my texts mixed up and instead of an editorial for a real estate magazine I am writing a second-rate love story. I might have let my imagination run wild a little, but the day before was marked by a discussion over whether to put our most precious asset, i.e. our editorial team, up for auction as part of the 24th Finale of the annual Great Orchestra Christmas Charity event. Following in the footsteps of celebrities, selected journalists would offer their time to go out for dinner while an interested party from the real estate world would support the charity and everyone would be happy. Admittedly, our editorial journalist-lawyer pointed out that by encouraging people to participate in such a procedure I would come close to transgressing paragraph 204 of the Crimes Act – b
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