Green wings in a glade of gold

Eurobuild Awards
The GreenWings Offices building in Warsaw, developed by Okre Development, was chosen by tenants as the best office building in Poland – seeing off almost fifty rivals
The tenant survey was carried out in the August/September 2015 period in the form of anonymous telephone interviews and by e-mail, by the Millward Brown market and opinion research institute. In awarding points the tenants used a scale of -5 to 5 (excluding 0) to grade such features as the location, the working conditionsn, the costs and the building management method, among others. The results of the survey revealed that overall the most important aspects for tenants continue to be, in descending order: the location, the costs and fees, the working conditions and whether the building offers the option of changes, additional options, ecological issues, the parking facilities, the general aesthetics and interior design of the building, as well as the management. GreenWings was rating highly across these fields, achieving the top score in more than one category. “The Eurobuild Award for the GreenWings Offices building in the Office of the Year cate
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