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Eurobuild Awards
Maciej Stacha, the proxy of the management board of Logistic City, on how to achieve work satisfaction, keeping promises and giving extra commitment. At the recent Eurobuild Awards Gala he received the statuette for the best warehouse property manager in Poland
Was this award a surprise for you? To be honest, we were a little surprised. We have never set out to win awards, so the fact that we’ve won one in a tenants’ survey carried out by Millward Brown is an additional honour for us. In my opinion it confirms that our efforts to create comfortable working conditions for our tenants in our logistics park have been appreciated. What was the key to this success? I think it largely results from our truthfulness and reliability. We are thorough in carrying out everything we declare at the stage of signing the contract. Sometimes we do much more and this is what makes us stand out against our competition. What is that exactly? We react to malfunctions faster, sometimes we help with the employment of staff from the local market; in critical times we sometimes make additional warehouse space available for short periods of time and during crises we try to look for solutions aimed at r
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