The creative spark

It was the 6th century and the inhabitants of the Venetia et Histria region took the fateful decision to evacuate from the mainland to a group of lagoon islands to take refuge from an invasion of marauding Lombards.
Did it work out well for them? Looking at the subsequent centuries of prosperity, the wealth of the doges and their political, trading and maritime power, the only conclusion to draw is that it did. And considering the fact that these days millions of people from around the world visit Venice every year, including myself once again, it certainly was worth it. In previous centuries life was hardly a walk in the park, but the onset of danger has always required a certain approach, a creative leap – and then you are only a step away (admittedly sometimes a large step) from being a major success. These days there are no hordes of barbarians poised to invade Italy (or Poland), but other dangers have arisen, such as terrorist attacks, which could have a much greate impact on the European real estate market than the Brexit, according to three C&W bigwigs (John Forrester, Jonathan Hallett and Charles Taylor) in the article entitled ‘One year later’. They assess the state
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