Business is booming

Office & mixed-use development
In three years the business services sector will be the largest branch of the Polish economy. Its growth dynamics indicate that it will exceed the current leader, the automotive industry, in terms of employment. What are the main assets of Poland from the point of view of international companies locating their modern business service centres in our country?
Janusz Dziurzyński, the director of the global IT service centre of Procter and Gamble as well as COO and vice-president of the board at ABSL: There are a number of factors. First of all there are the people we have – their qualifications, technical skills, analytical thinking and all-round engagement. Furthermore, there is our great flexibility and the ability to adjust to changing requirements. This seems to be simple, but there are places across the world where it is very difficult to receive a positive response to necessary changes. We can enjoy the changes and we can accept them. In our history we have changed so many times that it must be imprinted somewhere in our DNA. There are also the technical skills, such as what we can do. Our technical skills and analytical thinking skills are listed among some of the best. So firstly there are people and their skills. What else? The second thing is the investment environment. For some reason many companies invest here because th
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