Taking – and still not giving back?

Sometimes when you have no idea how to solve a problem, you throw something just to GET A reaction. When the issue at hand is humdrum and everyday, this might even work. BUT Things get trickier if used as an approach to problems that have built up over many years and there are a few billion złoty at stake. Which is a good way to characterise Warsaw’s approach to the persistent issue of restitution
The policy is surrounded by as many myths as controversies and misunderstandings, but the small reprivatisation act has been devised to change all that. The word ‘small’ is very appropriate here; however, the word ‘act’ is not. The new regulations have been introduced as a short amendment and the act is generally associated with a large document that comprehensively settles the terms of a given issue. In the case of Warsaw reprivatisation, the legislator has turned out to be a disciple of minimalism. The new law is covered by just four articles. Of course you could say that size doesn’t matter, but in this case brevity will not work. The Polish parliament has been extraordinarily productive of late in terms of providing us with new regulations. In 2015 alone it introduced 30,000 pages of shiny new red tape. The new regulations for the restitution process in Warsaw fit into just two pages. However, this is a kind of success. After all, the legislature has b
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