Market that blooms all year round

Bad news is good news – or so journalists say. The saying expresses the belief that reports of bad events read better.
If we follow this belief to its logical conclusion, this supplement would have no raison d’être because the Polish warehouse and logistics market space has been moving along splendidly for a few good years. Announcements are coming in from all directions – developers, tenants and consultants – that support this picture. However, we have decided to take a closer look, because if something is praised too much, it naturally leads to suspicion – and not only among journalists. We start with a report on the status of the warehouse market, in which its current state is analysed and the developments that have taken place over the last few months are commented upon. Our interview with Martin Polak of Prologis will tell you about the plans of the owner of the largest warehouse real estate port-folio in Poland. Without wanting to get too far ahead of myself, I can tell you from the outset that you should certainly take note of the growth of e-commerce as it storms
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