Running and helping

ALMOST 17,000 and over PLN 1.1 mln: these are the two key numbers from the Poland Business Run, a charity event held in the form of a relay race. Teams made up of people from the real estate SECTOR also took part – and this year in great numbers
Almost 17,000 runners took part, raising more than PLN 1.1 mln to support numerous charities, including the Jasiek Mela Poza Horyzonty [Beyond Horizons] foundation, the Fundacja na Ratunek Dzieciom z Chorobą Nowotworową foundation [Save the Children with Cancer], the Amp Active foundation, the Katarzyna Rogowiec Avanti foundation and the Unicorn and First Step [Pierwszy Krok] associations. This year the race was held in seven cities: Kraków, Poznań, Katowice, Łódź, Warsaw, Wrocław as well as for the first time in Gdańsk. ‘We’re very pleased that the Poland Business Run has finally been held in Gdańsk. In spite of the rain, the rivalry of the relay race generated great excitement; everyone was cheering everybody else on. It’s a fantastic initiative that activates and unites the business world to focus on a noble cause and I hope it becomes a permanent fixture in our diaries,” said Monika Brzozowska from Torus. In all the races, a total of over PLN 3 mln
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